10 Signs That Your 4-Year-Old is Smarter Than You or Your Spouse

10. During lunch your 4-year-old informs you that the strawberries you are eating are the only fruit that has seeds on the outside, and you realize for the first time that those little things on strawberries are seeds.

9. When you tell your 4-year-old that you’re not exactly sure how the doctor got his baby sister out of your tummy, he replies exasperated, “Mom!  You were there!

8. Your 4-year-old has tested your understanding of the Trinity by asking, “How did Jesus make people when He was a baby here (as in ‘not in heaven’)?” You are tempted to just tell him about sex instead.

7. When his sister says she sees a cow as you drive by a pasture, your 4-year-old exclaims, “I see a Yak!”  Your husband and you then spend five minutes debating with each other what a yak is.

6. You scold your four-year-old for disconnecting the wires from his daddy’s speakers and then watch attentively as he rewires them.

5. You didn’t know how to use the ipod on your iphone until your four-year-old showed you.

4. You thought you showed your four-year-old who’s boss by throwing out the rest of his Easter candy after he repeatedly snuck treats only to find out that he anticipated your moves and hid his own reserve stash.  He’s the boss.

3. You try to avoid a temper tantrum by not telling your four-year-old that your husband and you are going to a baseball game for a date.  When he asks where you are going, you reply, “It’s a surprise” to which he replies, “But I’m not going to be there!  How can I be surprised?”

2. Your four-year-old still knows who ran for president from both parties in the last election; meanwhile, it takes you three chances to call your children by the correct name.

1. When your four-year-old asks his daddy if the foot he is holding up is his left foot, your husband holds up his own thumb and forefinger on each hand to see which one makes the ‘L’ shape.

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26 thoughts on “10 Signs That Your 4-Year-Old is Smarter Than You or Your Spouse

  1. OK i’ll try again to leave a comment. i think i said if Caleb could donate 1/8 of his smart cells to grammy, i’d feel blessed.
    i love this blog b/c it is true! and funnyyyyy. Caleb is indeed
    a lil genius. Quite the thinker and a huge blessing to all.
    You should publish a book as a blessing and assurance to young moms. Many times i’ve felt my children are smarter than me, but not wiser. 🙂 love, Mom


  2. I love these points. I've so been there with the rewiring. Sadly, it only gets worse as they get older (so I've been told since my oldest is only 8 so I don't have that much experience…yet).


  3. Love this! It doesn't get any better, either. My son had to help me with my homework last week because it involved making a PowerPoint. What would have taken me all day took my 12 year old thirty minutes. And he was rolling his eyes at me the entire time,lol.


  4. My daughter is 3 1/2, and she says stuff that makes my husband and I think, "Huh? Where did that come from?" I don't know if it's smarts or just the unique way kids look at the world, but she certainly thinks of things that I don't!


  5. It's probably a little of both! I noticed that Caleb is also very literal and logical, and I bet a lot of kids are that way. There's something about the age three that causes all of these curiosities to surface!


  6. Love this! It doesn't get any better, either. My son had to help me with my homework last week because it involved making a PowerPoint. What would have taken me all day took my 12 year old thirty minutes. And he was rolling his eyes at me the entire time,lol.


  7. #1 is my favorite! Such a funny post! I love it. 🙂 Had my three year old tell me last night "It just IS! Because God made it that way." As an answer to my question, "Why does your dog smell so stinky?"


  8. Too funny! The things kids say are so cute. Your three-year-old sounds like my 2-1/2-year-old; she always gets in trouble, and we'll ask her, \”Hannah Grace, why did you do such and such?\” Her reply is always, \”Because I did.\”


  9. Okay, I have absolutely no experience on this…but I still think it's really funny. But, if you need some tips on how to get your dog to turn in a circle on command – I can help with that. And, I perfected the dog bath process, we may have some similar experiences with that one.


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