Recognizing Full

Every night I sit down to dinner with my plate before me and I eat. If I liked the meal, I will get seconds. And I realize that I’ve trained myself to think I need more food than I really need–that I don’t even recognize what full feels like.

Every day I live my life the best I can; I play with my children, I clean the house, and I try my hardest to show my husband how much I love him. But every day I have thoughts that swim in my mind, showing me a future that’s a little better. The future when we’re out of debt, the future when the kids are a little older and slightly less crazy, the future when somehow Matt’s work/life balance is more manageable. And I realize that I’ve trained myself to think that the next stage will be a little better…I will feel full.

I fight this feeling because I know that I have everything I need right now to feel full. I’ve just stuffed my face so long with good things that I’ve stretched out my stomach, wanting to put one more bite in that will leave me feeling satisfied. Satisfaction is here. I have enough. I am full.

Linking up with the Gypsy Mama for her 5 Minute Friday where we write for 5 minutes straight without editing. I have to admit–I really want to cheat this week and edit this post, but I’ll stick to the rules.


11 thoughts on “Recognizing Full

  1. I've been struggling with this lately, especially financially. God keeps reminding me I have never lacked for anything, but I always want more. Right there with you, friend.


  2. Thanks Jennifer for visiting LOV! I have been where you are….I have been training myself to LIVE in the MOMENT which will probably take a lifetime to learn!


  3. So true. With my kids gone with in-laws this week, I have really learned to start appreciating the messes and loudness and crying. It does make me feel full.


  4. This is something I have learned as I have grown older. My older children were 9 and 11 when my youngest child was born. I knew how fast the years flew by with them and I can truly say that I enjoyed and treasure every minute with my children from that day on and learned to be content and happy. You probaby don't believe me now, but you will look back at these days and remember how much fun they were. NOW, I LOVE the time I get to spend with my grandchildren. So ponder these things in your Heart. Love you.
    I think Paul says it best in Philippians 4:10-13
    "I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."


  5. Thanks for a great day. I always enjoy when we get together. It's a reminder that no matter how old you get, your accomplishments and problems, you are and will always be my little girl. You smile and I smile with you, you hurt, I might smile to cheer you up but I hurt with you. But always remember… and I know you do, God is good and is by your side. As for this blog and our conversation today, I refer you to
    Ecclesiastes 3: 1-17 and also Proverbs 31. Pay attention to verses 10-12 as I know Matt bellieves it and has great peace that he married the woman that fits this description. verse 29-30 definitely applies to you especially since I know you fear the Lord.. As for verse 13 – 29, I have to think about that. I'll get back to you. Ha Ha

    Love Dad


  6. I can relate – so often I think the fullness comes when life is smooth and dreamy and there are no problems. But I'm actually full right now. Just have to remind myself of this more often. (on a side note, I don't know why, but I haven't been by here in awhile, but I'll be back soon – I always enjoy your words.)


    1. Thank you for commenting, Amanda! I'm glad your back, and don't worry. I haven't been very consistent this summer reading all the blogs I enjoy, either. 🙂


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