The Sacrifice of Convenience

The children ran inside with rosy cheeks and the bottom of their pants dragging with the weight of wet snow.  As they began to strip off their wet clothes and run upstairs to find a drier alternative, I turned to the stove.

In a pan, I whisked the cocoa powder, sugar, and salt and then turned on the kitchen faucet and waited for the water to turn hot.  I added the water and stirred, watching as the powdery mixture transformed into a thick syrup.

“Is it ready yet?” Caleb asked as he ran down the stairs in his new outfit.

“No, sweetie.  It takes time.”

And I watched the chocolate goo in the pan until slow bubbles rose up and popped.

I carefully poured in the milk and stirred amidst the sounds of a football bouncing off the wall and a toy shopping cart rolling throughout the downstairs.  I, too, felt myself growing impatient for the warm, chocolate treat, testing the temperature every minute or so.

Finally, the drink was warm, and I turned off the stove and added the final touch of vanilla.  As I poured the beverage into our mugs, I noticed how smooth and perfect the liquid flowed, and I gathered everyone to the table.

At the request of the kids, I grabbed some cinnamon sticks for everyone to stir, and then we drank.  I slowly sipped, and my body warmed from the chocolate goodness.

I looked around the table, at three faces with newly painted chocolate mustaches, and I smiled at how happy they looked. Why in my life did I ever drink instant hot chocolate? I wondered as I brought more of the treat to my lips. This tastes so much better.

I had had that thought numerous times before.  Cinnamon rolls from scratch, homemade bread, salsa, macaroni and cheese–in a quest to avoid unnatural ingredients, I had tried my hand at making many recipes the old-fashioned way rather than popping a can or opening a jar.

And the taste–there was never any comparison.

As I sipped my drink, I wondered what other tastes I had sacrificed in the name of convenience.  Sure, the time to make these homemade recipes was at least double the instant or pre-made version, but they were always worth the wait.

A lot of things in my life are worth the wait.

What else had I sacrificed because it just wasn’t convenient?

I sipped from my mug and smiled at the kids who looked like they bathed in their chocolate instead of drinking it, and I thought of the many things in my life that were a true investment of time.  I moved the warm cup between my hands, now empty, and felt its testimony–that the best things in life don’t come in an instant.


Don’t forget to join me on Friday for Journeys! Click here to find out more information, or click on the word ‘Journeys’ in the tag cloud for examples. This Friday’s journey: Faith

10 thoughts on “The Sacrifice of Convenience

  1. This is a very interesting topic – especially since we live in a world completely inundated with all things convenient. I look forward to how this journey will unfold :o)


    1. Yes, it definitely is a balance and very personal. Because it is impossible to do everything perfectly every day, I have to constantly question on what things do I want to spend my time. What are my priorities?


  2. Awesome Jen! I need that from scratch Hot Cocoa recipe!! Would you fb it to me when you have a few minutes? Already thinking about Faith. Hope I can find the time to participate this week. Blessings.


    1. Thanks, Teri! I'm glad you saw the post this morning with the theme for Friday. I hope you can participate, too; you did great last week! I'll happily send you the recipe, too.


  3. Don't forget making pizza from scratch or at least buyy the dough and roll it out yourself. I can't help it, the Italian in me keeps coming out. Some things done the good old fashion way are great. Remember Grandma always saying the old fashion ways were better? She treasured her memories just as you will with your children.

    However, not to contradict grandma memories of the good old days, I'll take air conditioning over a fan any day.


    1. I actually made pizza dough from scratch the other day! It was wheat crust, though, and just okay. I need to try again.


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